Monday, November 24, 2008

New Camera with new possibilities for the new year!

I have used my "baby" for not only 6 months and have already realized that I am in need of MORE! Yes, I know I just got her but it's time for me to take another step into the more professional world. I hope that in the next few years I will have at least two bodies that I feel I am happy with and a good set of "glass" I have 5 lenses right now that I am pretty happy with, but I have some lenses that I am wishing for for the future. I know people say it's not the camera its the photographer, but your camera and how you use it and what you use it with/for really do make a huge difference as well!

I am excited for my new baby and will be getting her sometime next week! After doing this for about a year "seriously" now I can honestly say that I am really comfortable shooting with new people and meeting new children weekly has been such a joy! Working with all of you has been so exciting and I hope to see you in the coming year! I am looking forward to meeting some new little ones too and will be starting to do newborn photos as well. I already have a whole stash of props and things ready so be sure to drop by and let me know if you are expecting! Newborn photos are the best within the first two weeks when they are tiny and sleepy ( if you want the adorable sleeping shots!)

Also be sure to scroll down to check out my new 2009 prices. Not too much as changed other than I am now charging more for CD's since high res files are expensive I have found out. I have run into a lot of problems with CD's and feel like handing over copyrights and CD's is something that I should not simply do for free. But in return I have added in your 6 month online gallery that you are able to share with friends and family along with an e-mailed ZIP with all photos instead of a CD if you don't want to spend the money on one. I also have added in my new portrait package sessions for those who would like to do more than one session with me during the year. I have bundled some of the sessions to make it easier for you and you only have to pay once! Hope you are enjoying the holiday week!


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