Sunday, November 30, 2008


They are pretty awesome check them out!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Brynn and Sloane!

I had a lot of fun photographing Sloane and Brynn this beautiful winter morning. They were a little cold changing outfits but all in all the session went great! We got a lot of nice light and hit a lot of good areas at Lake Arlington. These two look so much alike but both have very different personalities. It was fun as the session progressed and they both warmed up to the camera and to posing with each other. Thanks for a fun time girls! Hope mom likes them as much as I do!




Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A year full of memories package, NEW!

A Year Of Memories package –With this session package you will get 5 One-Three hour sessions with unlimited outfit changes and an e-mailed zip and online gallery with 40 plus photos ran with my actions after each session. A variety of different storyboards and special photos with text also included and at the end of the year all of your sessions will be put together into either a hardcover book or a DVD with a years worth of photographs. Price: $500 for the entire year which covers the cost of 5 sessions. You get to decide when your sessions are during the year and your entire family CAN be included in every session.

A check will be due at your first session, and then from there on out the 4 reminaing sessions during the year will already be covered and paid for. This is a great deal if you are expecting a baby and would like to capture them growing, or if you know you would like to have photos of the family throughout the year. (ANY session works for this package. If you would like to use one of the sessions for an event, that works too!)

Can't wait to hear from you! And can't wait to start the year fresh and new and hope to see tons of new faces this coming year!

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Camera with new possibilities for the new year!

I have used my "baby" for not only 6 months and have already realized that I am in need of MORE! Yes, I know I just got her but it's time for me to take another step into the more professional world. I hope that in the next few years I will have at least two bodies that I feel I am happy with and a good set of "glass" I have 5 lenses right now that I am pretty happy with, but I have some lenses that I am wishing for for the future. I know people say it's not the camera its the photographer, but your camera and how you use it and what you use it with/for really do make a huge difference as well!

I am excited for my new baby and will be getting her sometime next week! After doing this for about a year "seriously" now I can honestly say that I am really comfortable shooting with new people and meeting new children weekly has been such a joy! Working with all of you has been so exciting and I hope to see you in the coming year! I am looking forward to meeting some new little ones too and will be starting to do newborn photos as well. I already have a whole stash of props and things ready so be sure to drop by and let me know if you are expecting! Newborn photos are the best within the first two weeks when they are tiny and sleepy ( if you want the adorable sleeping shots!)

Also be sure to scroll down to check out my new 2009 prices. Not too much as changed other than I am now charging more for CD's since high res files are expensive I have found out. I have run into a lot of problems with CD's and feel like handing over copyrights and CD's is something that I should not simply do for free. But in return I have added in your 6 month online gallery that you are able to share with friends and family along with an e-mailed ZIP with all photos instead of a CD if you don't want to spend the money on one. I also have added in my new portrait package sessions for those who would like to do more than one session with me during the year. I have bundled some of the sessions to make it easier for you and you only have to pay once! Hope you are enjoying the holiday week!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

A day with Kyla

I always love photographing Kyla because she makes it so "easy!" Mom doesn't think so, but I do! She is always getting into things and running away but when it's time to smile, she is darn good at it! I can't wait to photograph her next summer with her little brother or sister. Here area few from the session. Hope we got a christmas card winner!




Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas Mini Sessions

Had two small mini sessions this morning for Sammy and Gabe! This is the first time I have ever used backdrops in my photos and I have to say it was quite fun! Still used all natural window light but I think using the backdrop spiced things up a bit. These last few days have been very difficult and I have had so many things going on that I even forgot a session yesterday for Kyla, but hope to get to her photos tomorrow afternoon as a makeup session (SO sorry guys!)

And for everyone asking about CD's going out PLEASE read the updates on my website. I am no longer sending out high res CD's with my sessions because of many issues that have come up recently with doing so. Everyone who I said would get a CD with there sessions the past few months will not get an online gallery and I also will send you a zip if you have not already gotten yours. By having the gallery you can send it to friends and family who can also download the photos and you are still able to save them and print them as you please. I have run into way too many problems with giving people the CD's and so the cost of them is now an extra $50 per CD if you wish you purchase one. Again I am sorry for those who feel "cheated" but I have to make it fair and discontinue giving them out to all clients, and not just a few. For those who are upset over the change I am truly sorry and hope you will understand why this change had to be made. 

2009 Prices

Below you will find the prices for my 2009 session packages. The session package fee covers travel for anywhere in Arlington Heights and surrounding suburbs, my time during the session, the time during the editing process, and also for your special fully edited photos. There are no add on fees unless you add them onto your package! Simply follow the steps to build your own personal session and then visit the contact page to get your session set up and on a roll!

* Prices and packages subject to change at any time*

Step One- Pick your session

Mini Session- Half hour- one hour session with 1 outfit change and an e-mailed zip and online gallery with 10-20 processed and enhanced photos ran with my actions and textures. Price: $100, any person added into the session is $10

Bronze Session- One hour session with 1 outfit change and an e-mailed zip and online gallery with 20-30 processed and enhanced photos ran with my actions and textures. Price: $150 for up to 2 people, any person added into the session is $10

Silver Session - One-Three hour session with 2 outfit changes and an e-mailed zip and online gallery with 30-50 photos ran with my actions and textures. A variety of different storyboards also included. Price: $180 for up to 2 people. Any person added into the session is $10

Gold Session - One-Three hour session with unlimited outfit changes and an e-mailed zip and online gallery with 50 plus photos ran with my actions and textures. A variety of different storyboards and special photos with text also included. Price: $200 for up to 4 people. Any person added into the session is $10

Family Portrait Session - Half hour-Two hour session with unlimited outfit changes and an emailed zip and online gallery with 50 plus photos of all family members ran with my actions and textures. A variety of different storyboards and special photos also included. Price: $150 for a family of 3 or less - $180 for a family of 4 - $200 for a family or 5 or more

Modeling Session- Two-Three hour session with unlimited outfit changes and an emailed zip and online gallery with 20-40 head shots and poses created just for your portfolio ran with my actions and textures. Special photos with your name and information can also be included on your CD at no charge. Price: $100 price with an already made portfolio which includes 4x6 prints: $150


Step two- Pick your style:

I process my photos in many different ways. Below are the different choices of processing styles you can have for your session. Be sure to let me know when you contact me what type of session you want!

Modern Processing (the closest to traditional)

Urban Processing (sharper and more colorful)

Artistic Processing ( colorful, muted, and photos with added textures are all included with this process):

Please note that I process in COLOR ONLY, if you would like Black&Whites as well you must add that onto your package!*


Step three (Add onto your package)

Get the images in Black&White as well as color: $5

E-mailed web preview of session photos: $5

10 Colorful storyboards with your photos: $10

Get your images with no watermarks and print ready: $15

DVD with your images set to music: $35 each

Colorful brag book containing an assortment of 4x6 images from your session: $40

High Res CD with your images: $50 each

What you should know (please read!):

If you are looking for a studio photographer who takes "cheese" and "smile" photos you are looking at the wrong person! I try to never say those two words in any of my sessions. I am a natural light photographer but also a "natural" smile photographer too! Photo studios rush you through the photo process, where as I try to capture each moment as they come even if that takes an hour or two. I will get the smiles, the pouts, and all of the real expressions!

I am experienced in working with little ones and also am very good at communicating with older children as well! Do not be surprised if I take a little while to get down and play with your children during the session. My photo sessions should feel more like play dates to younger children, with surprises, and fun included in every session!

I have my own ideas but come with your own as well! Do not be afraid to let me know if there is a certain pose or look that you are wanting for your child's photos or for your family portrait. I am up to just about everything if you are. But that goes both ways! I might ask your kids to try out some crazy things (don't worry mom and dad, nothing too dangerous!)

I shoot in all color for a reason, I LOVE colors! I find that the more vibrant the models clothing, the sharper and more attractive the photos turn out. Some photographers tell you to shy  away from bright colors or crazy pattens, where for me i am telling you that if you want eye catching photos, wear eye catching colothing and bring layers! The only thing I would say to stay away from would be clothing with wording or logos. I am not here to advertise for anyone else but for my photography!

If you have little ones under the age of 6 be sure to bring snacks along and make sure your children are well feed before your session. I start my  sessions at 9am but if you have children younger then 6 I would wait until after the childs nap to get them up and out for photos. If you have a wee one younger then a year be sure to bring a change of clothes and extra diapers along. (no charge for outfit changes for clients under 2 years!)

You know your children best. If you know they will be "cheesey" around the camera if you are there, if you are comfortable, please walk away or even wait nearby. I find that shooting older kids over 6 is a lot easier if I can get to know them, chat, and also take photos. This is sometimes easier to do if mom or dad is not standing next to me starting them down or directing the session. It also makes it more fun for the child as a way to "surprise" you with the results!

I shoot in entirely natural light. Do not mistake this for "I only shoot outdoors". I perfer to shoot outdoors when the weather makes it possible, but I am able to shoot indoors as well but only in a well lit home. If you are wanting to do your session at your home you have to make sure that you have at least one room in your home that is very well lit with natural light from windows. I have to be able to move furniture and work with my camera and also fit the models in the well lit area as well. Be sure to let me know ahead of time if you are wanting an indoor/in home session and we will discuss further if your home is suitable for my shooting needs.